Welcome to the website of St James the Great Episcopal Church in Dollar.
We said farewell to our Rector in May, but our life of worship, prayer and pastoral care continue as usual, as we work out our path to a sustainable future, and see where the Lord may lead us in the days ahead.
Sundays Sung Eucharist at 10 30 am every Sunday except Fifth Sundays of the month
Said Eucharist at 8 30 am on the Second Sunday of the month
Sunday 12th Said Eucharist at 8.30am led by Revd Elaine Ryder
Joint Service with Dollar Parish Church 11 am on Fifth Sunday of the month
Sunday January 19th at 10.30 am will be a service of Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament. We look forward to welcoming Jeremy Hawkings to talk about the Mission to Seafarers at our 10.30 am service. Mid-winter, with seas cold and stormy, is a good time to pray for & celebrate the role that seafarers play in our daily lives. “Day and night for 365 days per year, the Mission is on call providing help for seafarers in over 200 ports around the world. Seafarers need our help because they are often working in dangerous conditions, far from home with no one else to turn to”.
Thursday Eucharist or Morning Prayer in the Parish rooms at 10 am, followed by coffee, except for the 3rd Thursday in the month.
At 2pm Tuesday 14th January 2025 Jo Middlemiss, one of the founders of EMP, will be coming to St James to show a film and talk about the valuable work done at the Buccama Clinic in rural Ethiopia. There will be refreshments and a raffle also, to raise funds for the clinic.
Please save this date in your diary. Jo is a very good speaker and it will be a great opportunity to hear about the work of our new Away Charity. Ask your friends to come along also, so knowledge of EMP’s valuable work is spread as widely as possible.
[Jo is off to Ethiopia in February. We will put a list of the things she is collecting to take with her at the back of church in early January, and pass on any donations before she departs. Thank you,
Our Annual General Meeting will take place after the 10.30am service on Sunday November 24th. As well as reports on what has been happening, this is an opportunity for us to look forward to a new year and the next steps in securing a good future for St James Church and community. Please come if you possibly can.
The following are the documents that will be presented at the AGM 2024. Paper copies are also available at the back of the church for those who need them.
- AGM Agenda
- Draft Minutes for AGM 2023
- Financial Statement
- Fabric Report
- Lay Representative Report
- Social Committee Report
- PVGS Report
- Final Draft Budget
Contacts for Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms and Pastoral Care
The Rectory phone number (01259 742494) is now diverted to the Vestry Secretary John Adams. Voicemails left on this number will be answered as soon as possible. Alternatively email messages may be sent to him at secstjamesdollar@gmail.com
Our Interim Pastor – Revd Elaine Ryder
The Bishop has appointed an Interim Pastor to support us as we continue to seek a sustainable long term future for St James.
Our interim pastor’s name is the Revd Elaine Ryder; she is a retired priest living in Burntisland. Elaine will take a share in leading Sunday services at St James on a regular basis from the end of September. She will also attend Vestry as an observer and advisor.
At the Bishop’s request Elaine is to provide the same kind of support to St Paul’s, Kinross, who will be in a similar situation to ourselves after their rector leaves at the end of October. This means that she will not be able to be with us every Sunday, but the Revd Charles Sherlock has kindly confirmed that he will share in leading our worship into 2025.
The Revd. Elaine is now our contact for emergency pastoral care. Her contact details are as follows:
Email: revelaine212@gmail.com
Mobile: 07977 101742 [texts preferred]
Many of the Sunday Services will continue to be taken by Revd Charles Sherlock, rector of St James 1991 to 1997. He may be contacted on 07740 981951 or cpsherlock@msn.com
St James the Great, Dollar is part of the Scottish Episcopal Church which reaches back to the times of the Celtic saints in Scotland. St James’s is in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, a vibrant community of churches each with its own atmosphere, calling and gifts. If you’d like to find out more about the Scottish Episcopal Church visit www.scotland.anglican.org
When you visit St James’s you will find it is surrounded by a beautiful and peaceful garden with flowers, trees and a labyrinth. Whether you are often in Dollar or just passing through, all visitors are welcome to enjoy the garden.
The church will normally be available for private prayer or visits The Church will normally be open every day from 9.00am until dusk, or 5.00pm (whichever is earlier).
If you would like to simply come and enjoy the peaceful space we offer outside, you are welcome to do. We encourage this as God can be at least as close to you outside in the beauty of nature as inside.
For the most up-to-date information, follow us on Facebook