
Everyone is most welcome at any or all of our services. You don’t have to be a member of this church. You don’t have to be an Episcopalian. You don’t even need to be a Christian. Our services are for anyone who would like to come, meet some friendly folk and learn more about God and how following Jesus can help.

Sunday Services

Said Eucharist
It may be possible to offer this service on some Sundays., please check before coming to the church
There will be a service at 8.30 am on Sunday October 13th led by Revd Elaine Ryder
10.30am Sung Eucharist
With refreshments after the service in the Parish Rooms


We share a joint service with our neighbours from Dollar Parish Church whenever a month has five Sundays in it, alternating responsibilities for hosting the event.


To conserve resources, we are producing a single leaflet that will provide all of the available information for the services for the month: the current Pew Leaflet is available here

Thursday Service

Service of Eucharist
or Morning Prayer
In the Parish Rooms

3rd Thursday of the month – 10.30am
Ecumenical Service of Praise and Prayer

In the Burnside Hall
The Burnside Service meets at 10.30am once a month in the hall. It is a short informal service of worship followed by refreshments .
All are welcome .

Occasional Services

Occasional services such as funerals, thanksgivings and weddings also take place in the church.

We regret to announce that since Easter, we are no longer be able to offer livestreaming through Online Church. This is due to the Rector leaving. We would like to thank those who have joined us this way over the last four years and we apologise for any inconvenience this causes.