Along side our worship life at St James’s we provide opportunities for people of all ages to explore, develop and question their faith.
The Drop In Group was started 7 years ago as a number of people were looking for an opportunity to look more deeply at their faith outside of Sunday morning services and the Advent and Lent Study groups. About 10-15 people meet fortnightly with different people leading. A wide variety of topics have been covered: we have been led in discussions on angels, Epiphany, the Lord’s Prayer, favourite hymns, we have used lectio divina, music on different themes,. we have been outdoors on prayer walks and used the labyrinth. We normally finish by saying the ancient service of Compline together.
All the meetings are open to everyone, each session stands alone so if you would like to join in, do speak to Joyce Smith the coordinator.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, these meetings are sometimes to be held by ZOOM but are increasingly held in person again.