Donations to St James’s Church

St James’s Church is entirely self-funded and contributions to support its work are always welcome. There are a number of different ways in which donations may be made: 

1. Pledged regular payment by Standing Order

Pledged regular giving is very valuable to the Church, enabling effective financial planning. To donate by this method, it is necessary to complete a Standing Order mandate to be presented to your bank. If you pay income tax you are also encouraged to complete a Gift Aid form to enable the church to reclaim tax on your donation – currently equivalent to a further 25% of your donation.

Gift Aid Form [2B] which provides both these documents is available to download


2. Pledged regular payments into the collection plate by coloured envelope

An alternative method enabling regular giving by cash or cheque is the coloured envelope scheme.Donors are provided with envelopes printed with an identifying number, to enable donations to be made via the weekly collection in church. To donate by this method it is necessary to complete a pledge form and, if appropriate, a Gift Aid form

Gift Aid Form [2A] which provides both these documents is available to download


3. One-off or irregular payments

Payments may be made into the collection plate at Sunday services by cash or cheques made payable to ‘St James Church, Dollar’

Taxpayers who want to give under the Gift Aid scheme can do so by placing their donation in a white envelope – provided in church – and adding their details on the outside.


                    A NEW WAY TO SUPPORT ST.JAMES‘S

St. James’s is now registered with If you shop on-line with any of over 3000 well known retailers listed on a percentage of what you spend is passed to St. James the Great Episcopal Church-Dollar at no additional cost to you. Please register to support us today at